This page is updated for the academic year of 5785 / 2024-2025
Tuition for 5786 (including room and board) is $16,000. Reduced tuition is $14,000 (you may need to provide certain documentation).
Please do not raise financial matters with the administration before your son is accepted. if you are in finacial need you can reach out to the office after your son is accepted to discuss potential discounts.
1. Registration deposit: Upon your application to the yeshiva you need to pay a non-refundable sum of $300. This amount will then be deducted from your tuition. We will not hold a place for your son without remittance of the deposit.
2. Deposit against damage: Every talmid must come with $100 (ideally of his own money) in cash. Assuming all will be well, this money will be returned at the end of the year.
3. Transportation: The cost of the rides to and from the airport is $50 for each ride which is $300 for the year( this fee includes beginning of Elul zman, before and after Sukkos and Pesach, and the end of the year. it does not include Chanukah ) and is not included in the tuition. this fee is due at the beginning of the Yeshiva year.
4. Tuition: Tuition needs to be paid in equal monthly installments. The full tuition in the form of head-checks or a designated credit card account needs to be received by the office at the start of the academic year.
Checks should be made out to Bais Sholom and mailed to Bais Sholom, 331 W Tilden St., Postville IA 52162.
The kehila offers the bochurim a reduced rate of $225 for Mikva access for the year. Send a separate check of $225, made out to Achdus Yisroel.
While the Yeshiva endeavors to provide the talmidim with a safe environment, the Yeshiva cannot bear any financial burden for medical care of the talmidim.
confirm with your son's medical insurance provider that he will be covered while in Postville.
You can also consider purchasing travelers insurance. (Check with, and among others.)
To send money to your son during the year:
You can PayPal funds to [email protected] and the funds will be passed along to your son. Make sure to indicate that you are sending it to a friend, not to a business.
Please do not raise financial matters with the administration before your son is accepted. if you are in finacial need you can reach out to the office after your son is accepted to discuss potential discounts.
1. Registration deposit: Upon your application to the yeshiva you need to pay a non-refundable sum of $300. This amount will then be deducted from your tuition. We will not hold a place for your son without remittance of the deposit.
2. Deposit against damage: Every talmid must come with $100 (ideally of his own money) in cash. Assuming all will be well, this money will be returned at the end of the year.
3. Transportation: The cost of the rides to and from the airport is $50 for each ride which is $300 for the year( this fee includes beginning of Elul zman, before and after Sukkos and Pesach, and the end of the year. it does not include Chanukah ) and is not included in the tuition. this fee is due at the beginning of the Yeshiva year.
4. Tuition: Tuition needs to be paid in equal monthly installments. The full tuition in the form of head-checks or a designated credit card account needs to be received by the office at the start of the academic year.
Checks should be made out to Bais Sholom and mailed to Bais Sholom, 331 W Tilden St., Postville IA 52162.
The kehila offers the bochurim a reduced rate of $225 for Mikva access for the year. Send a separate check of $225, made out to Achdus Yisroel.
While the Yeshiva endeavors to provide the talmidim with a safe environment, the Yeshiva cannot bear any financial burden for medical care of the talmidim.
confirm with your son's medical insurance provider that he will be covered while in Postville.
You can also consider purchasing travelers insurance. (Check with, and among others.)
To send money to your son during the year:
You can PayPal funds to [email protected] and the funds will be passed along to your son. Make sure to indicate that you are sending it to a friend, not to a business.
Fill out and submit by fax, email or postal mail all of the following forms:
O Copy of the front and back of your son's insurance card
O Acceptance and tuition contract.
O Tuition payment.
O Copy of the front and back of your son's insurance card
O Acceptance and tuition contract.
O Tuition payment.
'שיעור ג
דרך מצותיך שולחן ערוך אדה"ז חלק א ווילהעלם שאלות אדה"ז חלק א חת"ת סליחות מחזור גמ' מס' כתובות קיצור שו"ע מאמרים מלוקטים ב - רבי ריי'ץ |
שיעור ב
תניא קיצור שו"ע חת"ת סליחות מחזור גמ' מס' כתובות משניות: פסחים שקלים יומא סוכה ביצה ראש השנה מועד קטן חגיגה ליקוטי שיחות ג-ד |
שיעור א
תניא ליקוטי שיחות א-ב חת"ת סליחות מחזור בבא קמא.פרק שור שנגח משניות: פסחים שקלים יומא סוכה ביצה ראש השנה מועד קטן חגיגה גמ' מס' תענית גמ' מס' מגילהגמ' מס' מגילה |
In order to help with the buying of the Seforim and avoid the hassle of Shlepping them, the Yeshiva has arranged with Seforim deals an option of buying whatever is needed through their website and having it shipped directly to Yeshiva, click here for the link.
Please note that while the hanholoh tries to help with pairing up chavrusos, setting one up in advance is the more beneficial approach.
Also, if your son requires additional support in learning, please discuss it with the hanholoh in advance, so they can direct you to specific seforim and other solutions that will be helpful.
Also, if your son requires additional support in learning, please discuss it with the hanholoh in advance, so they can direct you to specific seforim and other solutions that will be helpful.
Please discuss the following with your son: every bochur should come with the intention that he will daven, learn, act and grow in a way that is appropriate for a tomim and chossid.
Any bochur that comes with this in mind, will definitely succeed in accomplishing these goals and will look back at his year(s) in Mesivta of Postville as of the best in his yeshiva years!
Any bochur that comes with this in mind, will definitely succeed in accomplishing these goals and will look back at his year(s) in Mesivta of Postville as of the best in his yeshiva years!
Eidel yeshiva style clothing. White shirts (two tee shirts for gym,) no light color or tight pants, black yarmulka, woolen tzitzis, low key shoes, etc.
Come with linen and bedding. The yeshiva has twin and full size beds.
The bochurim go to the local laundromat, next door from yeshiva, as often as they need. They will need their own coins and detergent.
Kosher Market is happy to sell food and nosh to whoever is interested. There is also a Dollar General in Postville and a Walmart within a half hour's drive.
There is also a kosher pizza store nearby that Talmidim can go to during lunch and supper break
Sending Money:
Sending cash or a debit card with your son should be the most simple method. The yeshiva has a Safe where larger sums and important documents and valuables can be held. You can also PayPal funds to [email protected] and the funds will be passed along to your son.
Phone and device policy:
The bochurim will certainly have a more productive year if they do not have a cell phone with them. There will be a few phones with the mashgiach and eltere bochurim for use when needed.
If the parents feel that it is necessary, then we will allow bochurim to bring phones (details below) which will be held by the phone mashgiach. For Mesivta bochurim the phones will be given out on Mondays by lunch and for two hours on Friday afternoon. For Zal bochurim, they will get their phones by lunch (when coming on time for Chassidus in the morning they will also receive it at supper break).
Phones will not be returned for trips or shabbatons.
For those that feel the need to have a phone the following 2 options are available:
1. Flip phones filtered by TAG with only talk/text capability and no SD card slot (if there is a SD slot yeshiva will disable it). Yeshiva will be working with TAG of Minneapolis their phone number is: 732 833 3115. When purchasing one of the phones (please see attachment for a list of phones), contact TAG of Minneapolis to arrange shipping and filtering fees and they will then send it to yeshiva to your son. You also have the option to take the phone to one of the many other TAG locations.
2. For those who would like to explore a smartphone, Yeshiva has partnered with to allow iphones (only) that can cater to the yeshiva and parents needs while allowing the boys to have a filtered smartphone solution. Please see attachment for more details.
Those going with the smartphone/ iphone option have 3 options for getting the filter on there phone:
The restrictions will allow phone text, email, seforim and some other basic apps (including WhatsApp). Social media (instagram etc.) and browsing will not be allowed as well as other restrictions as Hanhola sees fit.
Due to Apple's privacy laws the filter can be removed for 30 days. A bochur who removes the filter will have their phone confiscated inorder to reset and will be charged a fee to reset the filter. Hanhola may hold onto the phone till the filter is locked in place.
The Hanholo reserves the right to do spot checks on these phones as they see fit.
Tampering with the filter may result in permanent confiscation of the phone or a large knas
(possibly both).
Music devices/mp3 players
Only 24six solo 2 mp3s are allowed in yeshiva. You can purchase the mp3s in yeshiva through the technology mashgiach for a discount or online at, students in yeshiva can also purchase online with coupon code. Subscribtion to 24six is required.
All unapproved devices must be turned into the technology mashgiach when your son comes to yeshiva and he will put it in a safe place till the end of the zman. If a device is not turned in within 24 hours of coming to yeshiva premises (including after bein hazmanim) and then subsequently found it is subject to permanent confiscation. And knas like any unaproved device
A Bochur that breaks any of these rules or has a device not approved by hanhola (including but not limited to internet capable device, alexa, google home, smartwatches, hotspot, mp3(other then 24six),video capable mp3 players etc.) will have that device confiscated and receive a $50 knas. If a bochur is having a repeated issue with unapproved devices then there may be a larger knas and/or possibly may have to leave yeshiva.
Eidel yeshiva style clothing. White shirts (two tee shirts for gym,) no light color or tight pants, black yarmulka, woolen tzitzis, low key shoes, etc.
Come with linen and bedding. The yeshiva has twin and full size beds.
The bochurim go to the local laundromat, next door from yeshiva, as often as they need. They will need their own coins and detergent.
Kosher Market is happy to sell food and nosh to whoever is interested. There is also a Dollar General in Postville and a Walmart within a half hour's drive.
There is also a kosher pizza store nearby that Talmidim can go to during lunch and supper break
Sending Money:
Sending cash or a debit card with your son should be the most simple method. The yeshiva has a Safe where larger sums and important documents and valuables can be held. You can also PayPal funds to [email protected] and the funds will be passed along to your son.
Phone and device policy:
The bochurim will certainly have a more productive year if they do not have a cell phone with them. There will be a few phones with the mashgiach and eltere bochurim for use when needed.
If the parents feel that it is necessary, then we will allow bochurim to bring phones (details below) which will be held by the phone mashgiach. For Mesivta bochurim the phones will be given out on Mondays by lunch and for two hours on Friday afternoon. For Zal bochurim, they will get their phones by lunch (when coming on time for Chassidus in the morning they will also receive it at supper break).
Phones will not be returned for trips or shabbatons.
For those that feel the need to have a phone the following 2 options are available:
1. Flip phones filtered by TAG with only talk/text capability and no SD card slot (if there is a SD slot yeshiva will disable it). Yeshiva will be working with TAG of Minneapolis their phone number is: 732 833 3115. When purchasing one of the phones (please see attachment for a list of phones), contact TAG of Minneapolis to arrange shipping and filtering fees and they will then send it to yeshiva to your son. You also have the option to take the phone to one of the many other TAG locations.
2. For those who would like to explore a smartphone, Yeshiva has partnered with to allow iphones (only) that can cater to the yeshiva and parents needs while allowing the boys to have a filtered smartphone solution. Please see attachment for more details.
Those going with the smartphone/ iphone option have 3 options for getting the filter on there phone:
- Buy directly from kphone at: You will need to choose a phone and write/select that your son will be going to Yeshivas Bais Sholom.
- Send in a phone to kphone using this page: There will be a $25 setup fee.
- Have your son bring his iphone to yeshiva and bring it to the technology mashgiach along with $25 to set up the phone filter. The hanhola will work to have the phones setup as soon as possible. However please understand that it may take a few days (due to a line up) until your son's phone will be ready for use.
The restrictions will allow phone text, email, seforim and some other basic apps (including WhatsApp). Social media (instagram etc.) and browsing will not be allowed as well as other restrictions as Hanhola sees fit.
Due to Apple's privacy laws the filter can be removed for 30 days. A bochur who removes the filter will have their phone confiscated inorder to reset and will be charged a fee to reset the filter. Hanhola may hold onto the phone till the filter is locked in place.
The Hanholo reserves the right to do spot checks on these phones as they see fit.
Tampering with the filter may result in permanent confiscation of the phone or a large knas
(possibly both).
Music devices/mp3 players
Only 24six solo 2 mp3s are allowed in yeshiva. You can purchase the mp3s in yeshiva through the technology mashgiach for a discount or online at, students in yeshiva can also purchase online with coupon code. Subscribtion to 24six is required.
All unapproved devices must be turned into the technology mashgiach when your son comes to yeshiva and he will put it in a safe place till the end of the zman. If a device is not turned in within 24 hours of coming to yeshiva premises (including after bein hazmanim) and then subsequently found it is subject to permanent confiscation. And knas like any unaproved device
A Bochur that breaks any of these rules or has a device not approved by hanhola (including but not limited to internet capable device, alexa, google home, smartwatches, hotspot, mp3(other then 24six),video capable mp3 players etc.) will have that device confiscated and receive a $50 knas. If a bochur is having a repeated issue with unapproved devices then there may be a larger knas and/or possibly may have to leave yeshiva.

kphone_-_parents.pdf | |
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mp3_player_list.pdf | |
File Size: | 3362 kb |
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4g_basic_phones_july05_2023.pdf | |
File Size: | 1324 kb |
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please check here for more info
Yeshivah first day of seder/boys flying: sep 3
bein hazmanim: starts 8 Tishrei october 10
bein Hazmanim over/flying back: 27 tishrei Oct 12
Chanukah break
Pesach break starts
Tickets and travel arrangements during the Yeshiva breaks must be kept within the dates and times that are emailed. There will be consequences for those that don’t keep to those dates.
If an issue comes up which prevents travel to be within the calendar dates, the Menahel must be contacted before
you make any arrangements.
Please schedule all medical appointments during the times that your son is off from Yeshiva.
If an issue comes up which prevents travel to be within the calendar dates, the Menahel must be contacted before
you make any arrangements.
Please schedule all medical appointments during the times that your son is off from Yeshiva.
Getting to Postville
Postville is a small, unique town, and one of our challenges is transportation, there is no airport within a an hour drive and no buses or trains that come directly to Postville. for the benefit of our talmidim, we have put together a list of airports to help you navigate choosing and booking your flights. Usually the airports that are closer are more expensive but it is always worth a try to check them out.
At the beginning and the end of every Zman, the Bochurim usually fly to one airport and the yeshiva helps arrange a ride.
A Bochur flying alone (or any other time besides the beginning and end of the zman) will need to arrange (and pay for) his own ride to or from the airport.
There are local (from Postville - in the bigger cities the taxis will be very expensive) drivers who can do the taxi service to or from the airport (for a fee). If you are interested then please contact yeshiva and they will put you in touch with who is available at that time.
Another option would be Earl Public Transit. their number is 886 382 4259. They can do pick ups to or from Waterloo, La Crosse, Dubuque, Rochester, and Cedar Rapids. You would need to call them in advance and see what they have available.
Waterloo Regional Airport (ALO) is a 1 hour and 30 minutes drive from Postville.
Located: Waterloo, Iowa
Phone number: 319 291 4483
Airline: American Airlines
Notes: There are two daily flights to/from Chicago (ORD)
La Crosse Regional Airport (LSE) is a 1 hour and 30 minutes drive from Postville.
Located: La Crosse, Wisconsin
Phone number: 608 789 7464
Airlines: American Airlines and Delta
Notes: There are three daily flights and offers non stop flights to Detroit, Chicago and Minneapolis.
Dubuque Regional Airport (DBQ) is a 1 hour and 40 minute drive from Postville.
Located: Dubuque, Iowa
Phone number: 563 589 4128
Airline: American Airlines
Notes: Offers non stop flights to Chicago (ORD).
Rochester Inernational Airport (RST) is a 1 hour and 45 minutes drive from Postville.
Located: Rochester, Minnesota
Phone number: 507 282 2328
Below are listed the airlines and the airports that they fly non stop too.
American Airlines - Chicago (ORD)
Delta - Atlanta (ATL) and Minneapolis (MSP)
United - Chicago (ORD) and Denver (DEN)
Eastern Iowa Airport (CID) is a 2 hour drive from Postville.
Located: Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Phone number: 319 362 8336
Below are listed the airlines and their non stop destinations.
Allegiant - Las Vegas (LAS), Los Angeles (LAX-seasonal), Nashville (BNA-seasonal), Orlando Sanford (SFB), Phoenix-Mesa (AZA),
Punta Gorda/Ft. Myers (PGD) and St. Petersburg/Tampa (PIE).
American Airlines - Charlotte (CLT), Chicago (ORD), Dallas-Ft. Worth (DFW) and Phoenix Sky Harbor (PHX)
Delta - Atlanta (ATL), Detroit (DTW) and Minneopolis (MSP)
Frontier - Denver (DEN)
United - Chicago (ORD) and Denver (DEN)
Dane County Regional Airport (MSN) is a 2 hour and 35 minute drive from Postville.
Located: Madison, Wisconsin
Phone number: 608 246 3380
Airlines: American Airline, Delta, Frontier, Sun Country Airline and United.
Non stop flights to these airports: Atlanta (ATL), Boston (BOS), Charlotte (CLT), Chicago (ORD), Dallas Fort Worth (DFS), Denver (DEN), Detroit (DTW),
Fort Myers (RSW), Las Vegas (LAX), Los Angeles (LAX), Minneapolis (MSP), Nashville (BNA), New York (LGA), Newark (EWR), Orlando (MCO), Portland (PDX), Philadelphia (PHL), Phoenix (PHX), Salt Lake City (SLC), San Francisco (SFO), Seattle (SEA), Tampa (TPA), and Washington D.C. (DCA)(IAD).
Paul International Airport (MSP) is a 3 hour drive from Postville.
Located: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Phone number: 612 726 5555
Airlines: Aer Lingus, Air Canada, Air Choice One, Air France, Alaska Airline, Boutique Air, Delta, Denver Air, KLM, Spirit, United, Condor, Frontier Airlines,
Icelandair, JetBlue, Southwest and Sun Country Airlines.
Notes: On the website there is a live chat and you can request an email listing all the non stop destinations.
Mitchell International Airport (MKE) is a 3 hour and 35 minute from Postville.
Located: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Phone number: 414 747 5300
Airlines: Air Canada, Alaska Airlines, Delta, Frontier, Southwest, and United.
These are the non stop destinations: Atlanta (ATL), Baltimore (BWI), Boston (BOS), Charlotte (CLT), Chicago (ORD), Dallas Fort Worth (DFS), Dallas/Love (DAL), Denver (DEN), Detroit (DTW), Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood (FLL), Fort Myers (RSW), Houston Hobby (HOV), Houston Intercontinental (IAH), Kansas City (MCI), Las Vegas (LAX), Los Angeles (LAX), Miami (MIA), Minneapolis (MSP), Nashville (BNA), New York (LGA), Newark (EWR), Orlando (MCO),
Philadelphia (PHL), Phoenix (PHX), Salt Lake City (SLC), Seattle (SEA), St. Louis (STL), Tampa (TPA), Toronto Canada (YYZ), and
Washington Reagan National (DCA).
Chicago O'Hare International Airport (ORD) is a 4 hour and 15 minute drive from Postville.
Located: Chicago, Illinois
Phone number: 800 832 6352
Airlines: Aer Lingus, AeroMexico, Air Canada, Air Choice One, Air France, Air India, Air New Zealand, Alaska Airlines, Alitalia, All Nippon, American Airlines, Austrian Airlines, Boutique Air, British Airways, Cape air, Cathay Pacific Airways, China Eastern Airlines, Copa Airlines, Delta and Delta Shuttle, EVA Air, Emirates, Ethiopian Airlines, Etihad Airways, Finnair, Frontier Airlines, Hainan Airlines, Iberia Airlines, Interjet Airlines, Japan Airlines (JAL), JetBlue, KLM Royal Dutch, Korean Air, LOT Polish Airlines, Lufthansa, Norwegian, Qatar Airways, Royal Jordanian, Swiss, Scandinavian Airlines (SAS), Spirit Airlines, Sun Country, Tap Air Portugal, Turkish Airlines, United Airlines, VivaAerobus, and Volaris Airlines.
Notes: Please check the website for the non stop destinations as there are many.
Midway International Airport (MDW) is a 5 hour and 10 minute drive from Postville.
Located: Chicago, Illinois
Phone number: 773 838 0600
Airlines: Allegiant, Delta, North Country Sky, Porter Airlines, Southwest Airlines, and Volaris Airlines.
Notes: Please check the website for the non stop destinations.
When we will arrange for a ride from the airport to Postville and back, The cost of the ride is usually $40 per talmid/ride, when part of the group. The responsibility for payment for all rides to and from the airport is not included in the tuition and lies on the parents.
At the beginning and the end of every Zman, the Bochurim usually fly to one airport and the yeshiva helps arrange a ride.
A Bochur flying alone (or any other time besides the beginning and end of the zman) will need to arrange (and pay for) his own ride to or from the airport.
There are local (from Postville - in the bigger cities the taxis will be very expensive) drivers who can do the taxi service to or from the airport (for a fee). If you are interested then please contact yeshiva and they will put you in touch with who is available at that time.
Another option would be Earl Public Transit. their number is 886 382 4259. They can do pick ups to or from Waterloo, La Crosse, Dubuque, Rochester, and Cedar Rapids. You would need to call them in advance and see what they have available.
Waterloo Regional Airport (ALO) is a 1 hour and 30 minutes drive from Postville.
Located: Waterloo, Iowa
Phone number: 319 291 4483
Airline: American Airlines
Notes: There are two daily flights to/from Chicago (ORD)
La Crosse Regional Airport (LSE) is a 1 hour and 30 minutes drive from Postville.
Located: La Crosse, Wisconsin
Phone number: 608 789 7464
Airlines: American Airlines and Delta
Notes: There are three daily flights and offers non stop flights to Detroit, Chicago and Minneapolis.
Dubuque Regional Airport (DBQ) is a 1 hour and 40 minute drive from Postville.
Located: Dubuque, Iowa
Phone number: 563 589 4128
Airline: American Airlines
Notes: Offers non stop flights to Chicago (ORD).
Rochester Inernational Airport (RST) is a 1 hour and 45 minutes drive from Postville.
Located: Rochester, Minnesota
Phone number: 507 282 2328
Below are listed the airlines and the airports that they fly non stop too.
American Airlines - Chicago (ORD)
Delta - Atlanta (ATL) and Minneapolis (MSP)
United - Chicago (ORD) and Denver (DEN)
Eastern Iowa Airport (CID) is a 2 hour drive from Postville.
Located: Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Phone number: 319 362 8336
Below are listed the airlines and their non stop destinations.
Allegiant - Las Vegas (LAS), Los Angeles (LAX-seasonal), Nashville (BNA-seasonal), Orlando Sanford (SFB), Phoenix-Mesa (AZA),
Punta Gorda/Ft. Myers (PGD) and St. Petersburg/Tampa (PIE).
American Airlines - Charlotte (CLT), Chicago (ORD), Dallas-Ft. Worth (DFW) and Phoenix Sky Harbor (PHX)
Delta - Atlanta (ATL), Detroit (DTW) and Minneopolis (MSP)
Frontier - Denver (DEN)
United - Chicago (ORD) and Denver (DEN)
Dane County Regional Airport (MSN) is a 2 hour and 35 minute drive from Postville.
Located: Madison, Wisconsin
Phone number: 608 246 3380
Airlines: American Airline, Delta, Frontier, Sun Country Airline and United.
Non stop flights to these airports: Atlanta (ATL), Boston (BOS), Charlotte (CLT), Chicago (ORD), Dallas Fort Worth (DFS), Denver (DEN), Detroit (DTW),
Fort Myers (RSW), Las Vegas (LAX), Los Angeles (LAX), Minneapolis (MSP), Nashville (BNA), New York (LGA), Newark (EWR), Orlando (MCO), Portland (PDX), Philadelphia (PHL), Phoenix (PHX), Salt Lake City (SLC), San Francisco (SFO), Seattle (SEA), Tampa (TPA), and Washington D.C. (DCA)(IAD).
Paul International Airport (MSP) is a 3 hour drive from Postville.
Located: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Phone number: 612 726 5555
Airlines: Aer Lingus, Air Canada, Air Choice One, Air France, Alaska Airline, Boutique Air, Delta, Denver Air, KLM, Spirit, United, Condor, Frontier Airlines,
Icelandair, JetBlue, Southwest and Sun Country Airlines.
Notes: On the website there is a live chat and you can request an email listing all the non stop destinations.
Mitchell International Airport (MKE) is a 3 hour and 35 minute from Postville.
Located: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Phone number: 414 747 5300
Airlines: Air Canada, Alaska Airlines, Delta, Frontier, Southwest, and United.
These are the non stop destinations: Atlanta (ATL), Baltimore (BWI), Boston (BOS), Charlotte (CLT), Chicago (ORD), Dallas Fort Worth (DFS), Dallas/Love (DAL), Denver (DEN), Detroit (DTW), Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood (FLL), Fort Myers (RSW), Houston Hobby (HOV), Houston Intercontinental (IAH), Kansas City (MCI), Las Vegas (LAX), Los Angeles (LAX), Miami (MIA), Minneapolis (MSP), Nashville (BNA), New York (LGA), Newark (EWR), Orlando (MCO),
Philadelphia (PHL), Phoenix (PHX), Salt Lake City (SLC), Seattle (SEA), St. Louis (STL), Tampa (TPA), Toronto Canada (YYZ), and
Washington Reagan National (DCA).
Chicago O'Hare International Airport (ORD) is a 4 hour and 15 minute drive from Postville.
Located: Chicago, Illinois
Phone number: 800 832 6352
Airlines: Aer Lingus, AeroMexico, Air Canada, Air Choice One, Air France, Air India, Air New Zealand, Alaska Airlines, Alitalia, All Nippon, American Airlines, Austrian Airlines, Boutique Air, British Airways, Cape air, Cathay Pacific Airways, China Eastern Airlines, Copa Airlines, Delta and Delta Shuttle, EVA Air, Emirates, Ethiopian Airlines, Etihad Airways, Finnair, Frontier Airlines, Hainan Airlines, Iberia Airlines, Interjet Airlines, Japan Airlines (JAL), JetBlue, KLM Royal Dutch, Korean Air, LOT Polish Airlines, Lufthansa, Norwegian, Qatar Airways, Royal Jordanian, Swiss, Scandinavian Airlines (SAS), Spirit Airlines, Sun Country, Tap Air Portugal, Turkish Airlines, United Airlines, VivaAerobus, and Volaris Airlines.
Notes: Please check the website for the non stop destinations as there are many.
Midway International Airport (MDW) is a 5 hour and 10 minute drive from Postville.
Located: Chicago, Illinois
Phone number: 773 838 0600
Airlines: Allegiant, Delta, North Country Sky, Porter Airlines, Southwest Airlines, and Volaris Airlines.
Notes: Please check the website for the non stop destinations.
When we will arrange for a ride from the airport to Postville and back, The cost of the ride is usually $40 per talmid/ride, when part of the group. The responsibility for payment for all rides to and from the airport is not included in the tuition and lies on the parents.
For letters and packages:
Your Son
C/O Levin
331 W Tilden St.
Postville, IA 52162
Your Son
C/O Levin
331 W Tilden St.
Postville, IA 52162