our shiurim
In addition to the regular Yeshiva Sedarim, we also have general Shiurim given about a variety of different topics.
Q And A -- 5776-5779 |
Over the week, Bachurim write down questions anonymously, and put them in a box. These can be questions which pertain to any Halacha, Minhag, or Hanhaga, or aren't comfortable being asked in person. Rabbi Levin reviews the questions, and answers some of them in a weekly or bi-weekly Shiur.
Animals -- 5776-5779 |
Many different animals are chosen as the topic at each of these Shiurim. Sources are brought from P'sukim and Chazal, and interesting Halachos are learned out. Given weekly by Rabbi Levin, and accompanied by unique slideshows, which aren't available to be publicized.
food -- 5776-5777 |
The complicated Halachos revolving around different food types are discussed here. Given weekly by Rabbi Levin.