What do you do when you have a question but you are embarrassed to ask? Or the person you want to ask is extremely busy? Well at postville mesivta we have the solution, and it's been going on for years, here's how it works, in the corner of zal there's a small box, any bochur can place any question on any topic whether it's Chassidus, Nigleh, Halochoh, Hashkofoh, Minhogim, Hadrachah, Chassideshkeit, Life situations and even politics in the box, and once a week there's a question and answer shiur given by the menahel Rabbi Benshimon or mashpia Rabbi Levin, The great thing about it is that it's all anonymous and the answers are solid coming from experienced hanholoh members.
Below is a sneak peak from this wonderful shiur
Below is a sneak peak from this wonderful shiur